Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Birthday NICOLE!!!

Nicole is super adventurous! Also, kind to animals... my camel Birdie was in love with her and couldn't help but rest his tired little head on her lap. Just goes to show that Nicole loves EVERYONE and everything {camels with shaved heads included!}.

Nicole Hearts pictures! Nicole's so nice, she came with me to the top of this little town in Greece to get a picture with a windmill behind us!
Nicole and Sarah chilling with a mini sphinx! Nicole even treks through the blazing Egypt heat to take pictures with old statues!
Nicole is sooo loving her favorite spot at the Colosseum.
Nicole loves the kids, she's always posing for great pictures whether they are funny or serious, she's always making us laugh!

Happy Birthday Nicole!!!


Jesse and Mindi said...

Happy Birthday Nicole!! I hope you have a great day!! Also, happy late birthday to Terri and Ilene(okay I'm sure I'm way off on the spelling, but it's the thought that counts right!) I was going to comment a couple weeks ago, but didn't for some reason. I feel bad I didn't know it was your birthday the day Tyson and Gentry got married, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

The Child Family said...


Melissa said...

Yes, Happy Birthday Nicole! I still have something for you!