Friday, July 24, 2009

FINALLY!!!! Pictures from Ryan

Here is a little update of what is going on with Ryan.

He is currently serving in Burlington, KY and he was so excited to learn that he was going to serve with Elder Arave aka RV. He says they just have a great time! Elder RV is the District Leader and is going home next transfer. We think that means he is training Ryan to be the new DL but who knows! They just recently had a baptism! Ryan loves the work he is doing! He just wants more letters (hint hint). His address is listed in an earlier post for those of you so inspired to write him!

Elder RV, Elder James and Elder Harvey just having a random photo op.
Ryan and Elder Fox got the chance to go to a Reds game and they sat in really good seats. Ryan also met a kid that went to USU and his brother played for the Reds! So he quickly became Ryan's favorite.
Ryan is in Burlington, KY which is really close to Cinci. When he got transferred he went to a ward that is attended by Chantell Robbins who grew up down the street from us! She is in Cinci while her husband does summer sales. Needless to say we were all a little jealous of her!
I guess Ryan has high expectations! This is his "First Presidency" picture. Ryan's "counselors" are his companion Elder RV and I'm not sure what the other Elders name is but we think he resembles our countries president Barak Obama, so I think we shall dub him Elder Obama.
IT'S TIME TO GET CRUNK!!! Yeah, Ryan thinks he is so buck with his jewel encrusted grill.
Seeing this pictures of Ryan helps us know that even though he is on a mission he is still the same crazy fun loving guy that he was before he left.


HibshManda said...

That kid looks SO MUCH like Barak, it actually made me laugh out loud when I enlarged the picture!

Looks like Ryan is having a really good time on his mission. I love the grill!