Monday, June 6, 2011

So, we're back...better appreciate it!!

Not really hanging out with the queen, but we were in her presence (at least outside her gates...)  here's the balcony where the Royal family graces the public with a view.  I was thinking today that if I was a member of the Royal family...I'd pop out on this balcony now and then just to see how big of a crowd I could draw.  I'm sure the Queen wouldn't like me doing it, but it would be quite entertaining.  Just think how many people would sit and wait to be graced by my presence...

Nicole zoomed in really far to get this...

me and Nicole outside the gates.  you can see how far away the guard is...

a look at the London Eye, it's amazing how close everything is here...

A look back at the Palace from the Victoria Monument, oh and Nicole booking it up the steps...

A look down the special street leading to Buckingham Palace (I think it's called a mall)

Nicole and Susie (this photo looks much better than the next one...I wish that everyone taking pictures didn't think full body shots are great

See- you can't see us very well, oh well- at least someone was nice enough to take all of our pictures together!(and not steal my camera!)

the locks on the Buckingham palace gates

Ummm, need I say more?

William and Kate wedding stuff is everywhere.  I wish that we were here when the Queen is on vacation...they are going to display Kate's wedding dress, tiara, bouquet and the cake, maybe Dahlia needs to pay for my wedding research...

We aren't quite sure what this means, but we saw a top secret concert that we stopped at, then everyone got kicked out by the cops...

Westminster Abbey, where it costs 18 pounds to get in... math problem: 18x1.7= US dollar amount...

Nicole at Westminster Abbey, a little late for the wedding... and no hat!

Who says that Nicole and Caitlin can't find rare things in England... Caitlin spotted this mountain dew that Nicole purchased.  one can = 2.5x1.7= american expensive drink compared to her beloved 44oz "fountain-dew"

after a wait of 1 1/2 hours, it was well worth it!  Really good food! (and free refills!)

Stay tuned for Nicole's day at "Pemberley" from Pride and Prejudice... (Chatsworth)


Grandma Princess said...

LOL- What you got to England and No fancy hat...
The key to those locks would be fun to see. Nicole is that a sunburn?
Nice you have pictures and a camera that was NOT stolen- Cool very cool.
Pam D.

Eileen said...

I'm so glad you got a dew! I can't believe the buildings! They are so beautiful. I can't imagine how long it took them to build them and how much it cost! Glad you are blogging. Have fun. Oh and it is raining again today and the wind is blowing. But it was beautiful yesterday and this morning.

Karly Downs said...

man.. all i can say is you guys really, REALLY suck! i sure hope nicole bought that hat, it is pretty freakin awesome:) i'm glad that you are blogging too... i look forward to your posts every day:) Have fun for me!:)

flahertyfamily said...

I haven't been commenting girls...but I have been reading about your fabulous adventures everyday. What a treat to get a personal tour guide. Enjoy the rest of your vacation....can't wait till you get to Ireland. That is my dream vacation. Aunt Jana

Anna Dutson said...

You guys look like you're having so much fun.

I love all of Nicole's action shots!

The pictures are awesome!

ronda said...

Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing your vacation, it's so fun to see all of the things you are doing. The commentaries are great!

pauljamesfamily said...

Looks like you're having fun! Love ya