Friday, June 10, 2011

Cambridge continued....

A view from our flat at 1030pm...

this lab at Cambridge is where they discovered the double helix of DNA... the picture below is the entrance to the labs

Kings College

Kings Church

cool Cambridge street, watch out, there are a ton of bike riders...

inside the Kings Church with a look at the glass and Vaulted ceilings.

The organ in the middle...

the coolest flower I have seen in England...

This was All Saints church, it had William Morris designs, so check out the different patterns on the walls...

Punting...with Edward Cullen

check out this guy's outfit...he fell in.

Our punters...

can't remember this college's name... but it has a building that if you cut it down the center it is a mirror image of itself...

Kings Church

Susie, Nicole and Benae

really random... but look at the middle window, it's got a skeleton in it.

Post boxes...

Off to Belfast tomorrow at 0530 (1030 pm your time)...Not sure how the internet is there so we will blog as much as possible...good night!


Alyssa said...

So exciting!

Eileen said...

i wish I was there. Lauren says Hi!!! Lagoon was good not too hot, not too crowded. The girls had fun. Have fun in Ireland!! Hi from Abbie too!!

Becky said...

Those pictures are amazing!! Wish I was there. Travel safe, love you guys.

mindi said...

Looks like you girls are having fun! It seems like you have been gone forever too!