Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Pemberly Chronicles

Today we went to Chattsworth which is Pemberly in Pride and Prejudice. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! This house is so amazing and they let us take pictures inside which was a huge bonus! The only sad thing was the best part of the house was covered in scaffolding and plastic so we couldn't see it :( We did get to see the Duke of Devonshire that lives there! Here are a few of the highlights!
We were in the Peak District which is where part of P&P was filmed. I wanted to stand on the edge of a cliff like Elizabeth and this is what we came up with.... I feel like I'm kinda leaning like Michael Jackson in the Smooth Criminal music video.
 I was coerced to jump of the rocks by the bystanders.......

 Then I found this rock that kinda looked like Pride Rock in the Lion King. The wind wasn't blowing so I had to make some wind action on my own.
 A view of the part of Chattsworth they are restoring. This restoration will cost about 14 million pounds!
There was this cool garden with a bunch of flowers.
A lovely walkway from the gardens to the house.
Becoming one with the fountain. I think I would like to be a permanent fixture on this property.
The main walkway past the house.

The main entrance to Pemberly in the movie

 This sculpture really makes me scratch my head. It totally looks like this lady has a veil over her face. Nope, it is all stone! I am still amazed at the craftmanship of all the sculptures and wood and stone work.
 A view of the library which is where I would spend ALL of my time. There was so many old and cool books.
A sculpture that is featured on P&P.
 This is as close as I could get to Mr. Darcy. :(
A cool bridge that we had to cross to get to Chattsworth
A view of the Peak District. (This pic was taken on our bus!)

Tomorrow we are headed to Windsor Castle! Stay tuned!


Eileen said...

What a great time you are having!!!! I love the pictures and commentary! What beautiful places!! It will be hard to come home and go back to work! Good to talk to you today!
Love mom

Alyssa said...

Looks awesome!

flahertyfamily said...

I really look forward to reading about each days adventure. Now you are really making me think a trip to grand ole England would be fun too. Aunt Jana