Sunday, October 19, 2008


Our first big stop was really the Capuccin Monks!  But no pictures allowed.  You should check them out online.  They have a website if you google them and add Rome, Italy in your search.  Nicole got totally grossed out (it doesn't take much... the word "chunks" makes her gag.)  So we followed up the bone pictures with a little Hard Rock Cafe, the best hamburgers we've ever had, might I add.  Our next stop was the Colosseum.  We took a tour (left half way through because we were sick of the tour thing... shocker) but got some sweet pics to share!  Oh, and I forgot to mention that we stopped by the tie shop that I bought ties at in Rome from the guy who likes the missionaries and gave us the "missionary discount", and I told him that I had bought from him before, and he said " oh, you're the sister"  I looked at him a bit weird and said "yeah, I'm a girl" (great comment, I know), then he said " no, your the sister with the Mormons".  Totally remembered me, crazy.  We are going to get some ties tomorrow for Ry and the boys.