Monday, October 13, 2008

At Sea.. 10.13.08

So not too many pics to share today, we are sailing (reminds me of a song from my youth, hopefully it's in your head now!)  Nothing too crazy yet!  Hope all is well.  I'll try and post some more pictures later on.  Tomorrow, we are going to Turkey (not the aphrodesiac... inside joke for my fam)


pauljamesfamily said...

Here is Ryan's letter from this morning. Enjoy!!
Hey everyone! well things are going good here this past week was lots better!
except monday to thursday i had the flu! gross. but it was so coool i got some
good stories to share but im gonna write them in a letter ok haha! well thats
good that you are all having fun on your trips! i am on a permenant trip for two
years! i definately can relate to you Kar there is no place like home its really
true! i miss my messy room with my awesome bed!!! it is pretty amazing. well
transfers are this next week so i believe ill be gone on tuesday if i get
transfered so probably if you send a package today then i will get it before
then right? well sorry the cookies were not so good but the muffins...
.different story the cookies all like melted and de moisturized so they were not
to good! but um ya so i got a package from megan so tell her ill send her a
letter if you see here soon! it was pretty awsome tell caitlin thanks to! our
haircutter is nicknamed lebanon haha she is so beautiful! well here is one quick
story! We just broke our fast on sunday and we riding our bikes to a members house for a
fmp(family mission plan) and this guy wearing a budlight shirt yelled, why you
guys on bikes, i replied well we dont have a car haha. and then he started
saying something i couldnt understand and he said it like 4 times, so i went
back.... he said... Can you guys talk? he was really depressed, he just caught
his girlfriend cheatin on him with his best friend and he has been drinking alot
he said. But anyways he told me he had been over at the pond for a while just
thinking and PRaying asking for a sign what he needs to do or for help or
something like that.. and this was seriosly as he was walking back to his house
and we rode by on our bikes! he was like can you call me if you cant come over?
so we said yes..... HE said YOU PROMISE?! i was like for sure i promise. then we
saw him driving down the road and he held his hand up to his ear like a phone
and looked at us and pointed haha it was so awesome! but aslo i am pretty sure
that i am going to have a giganticer letter than you! haha becaause i am way cooler!
why dont you just over night the package again?! cuz i really want some pictures
of our new family member natali! thats pretty cool i hope she is white or black!
i also am not alergic to siemese cats! cool eh? well mom in response teo the
10000 dollar guitar... you dont have to buy one the one i want is only 600 :) or
7 i cant remember hahah but thanks for getting me a shirt!!! also could you see
if you could get me some long john garments? i need some its gonna get cold here
i hear! how is the weather there COLD i bet? lots of snow or no? hmmmm.... i
miss the snowy mountains and everyone in utah but you really do grow close to
the people where you serve! Pray as a family day and night! study the scriptures
go to the temple!!!! haha THis is the most awesome experience ever i love the
church and love learning more and more.... we need to thirst for righteousness
and when we do we will get unparched:) im like 99 percent parched right now i could really use a cola:) haha i miss my movies and music! mostly just
music cuz i hear it every once and a while. but it will just be that much better
when i get home! well i love you all sorry not seperate letters i dont have the
time this one is fetchin long! (yep missionary lingo) fetch!
bahaha quote of the week> "You ever been to nauvoo" Crazy man "No you?"Me "i
used to live there" CM "Cool , you see the temple?"me end of conversation hahaa
all the while he had this really evil look on his face haha it was hilarious!
btw people are FREAKING wierd! haha
love you all so much sisters i want some sweet stuff and some ties for black
suits?!!!! please love you!
have fun talk to you soon!
p.s. send this to my sisters!

Caitlin said...

you missed a pretty good OTH. I can't believe you missed it!

P.S. i need a trim when you get home.

lomowen said...

Terri-I thought you'd want to know about Mandy Smith passing away on Saturday. Here's the obit:

It's been fun looking at your pictures, and I am way jealous. I think you guys could all be sisters.