Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Orangerie... the Monet Museum

This is the Musee Oranerie, where Monet's most famous work is displayed.  This is how Nicole said she felt most of the day (seriously bad headache makes for a "dark day"). We came here for two reasons: TERRI wanted to and to make Melissa jealous!


pauljamesfamily said...

That painting is jinormous, you must be having fun. Hope that you are feeling better Nicole. Drink lots of water and take some Ibuprofin so you can enjoy the rest of the trip.
We are having a good time also, after our forever flight yesterday we got up early and went to the Komatsu domo site. Dad got to operate a couple of big bulldozers, a giant excavator, and a giant dump truck. It was pretty cool. Then we went to Chickamauga
Battlefield. It was pretty cool. Then we went to Chattanooga, Tenn. for the night. Tomorrow we tour the Komatsu facility and then go to Nashville. We are going to the Country Music Hall of Fame, and then going to the Grand ole Opry Hotel then to dinner and a show. Hopefully the flight home will be better than the flight here. Except we are going home into snow!!! That will suck! Well take lots of pictures!
Mom and Dad

Melissa said...

you jerks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is all I am going to say!

Melissa said...

Also, my mom says, YOU JERKS!!!!!! ok, not really, but I think she is really thinking it! But what she really says is that she is glad to see you guys made it there safely, and it looks like you are having lots of fun! french kissing!