Monday, July 19, 2010

If you want to be famous....

be involved in something that has a prayer in Spanish....and then stand up for a decision that had the best of intentions.

Today Fox 13 and ABC 4 News both interviewed my dad...he's famous!  During the Hyrum Patriotic program, the closing prayer was said in Spanish with translation in English.  Apparently there are quite a few people who aren't too pleased with it.  Someone told my Dad that he should get out of the country...well he doesn't even know Spanish-only speaks redneck-how is he supposed to survive outside of the good old USA-the land of the free where people fought for the freedoms that we enjoy.  It's really sad that so many people - who weren't even present for the patriotic program - can be so ignorant and hateful.  Thank goodness we all know what a good guy he is!  I'm just afraid the paparazzi are going to be chasing us now that he's a superstar...I'm going to have to get him a sweet disguise!  My mom is scared that everyone is going to want his body-look out Edward Cullen actor, Paul James is going to give you a run for your money!


Melissa said...

That is funny because I saw that exact Fox 13 news truck driving into Logan from Hyrum yesterday when I was driving home from work and I was wondering what was going on! Then I saw the news later.....funny stuff.

The Child Family said...

why would someone say that to your dad?
He must be famous though to be on BOTH those stations :)
I never saw the interview, why was it your dad that was interviewed?

RyanandKatie said...

I agree 100% with you and your family!!!!! Go James Family!