Tuesday, April 20, 2010

spring brings about changes....

Ryan got transferred!  We have no idea where he's living at the moment but we will update his address as soon as we have it!  Now for some exciting news...we are expecting quintuplets!  (the only new arrivals in our family this spring will come in the form of beautiful baby birds!)

Well, first of all, thanks to Diane, our neighbor for bringing back some moss from the trees in Georgia, otherwise, this creative bird wouldn't have been able to make a nest in our wreath...

this picture of the eggs is really cute...I was totally afraid that that mamma bird would come and peck my eyes out...I heard a little rustling of feathers and freaked a bit...totally screwing up the photo...

but I got a little more brave...

speaking of brave...look at poor Lauren---

she busted her arm falling off of her scooter!  She broke both bones in her forearm so she's going to have a cast that looks like this lovely splint (deja-vu for my when I was in 4th grade!)  At least she can get a glitter cast that's waterproof (but I still don't think that they can make a cast that doesn't smell nasty after having a shriveled little arm in it for 6 weeks...)!  Nicole, Karly and I all went to Dollartree (the best dollar store around..) and got a load full of goodies for her.  Anyway, she did start to feel better shortly after...

and, that's the spring into fun update!


The Child Family said...

those eggs are so tiny. I've never seen a nest like that before, I'm excited for them to hatch, hopefully all 5 make it.
I never realized scooters could to so much damage. Poor girl, I hope she's not in too much pain

oralia said...

i hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. i'm a new stalker to you guys now.

I just wanted to say (regarding the broken arm) you guys have always been so thoughtful and sweet. I particularly remember a time when someone you knew was really sick with something. You bought her pj's and fun comfort things. Because of that specific memory, I try harder to do nice things like that. Although, my ideas aren't as cute as you guys'.

Anna Dutson said...

Poor girl! Hope she feels better soon.