Sunday, November 29, 2009

TaDA.....Walker football!

So...Tanner took one for the team. He got injured and the basket should be removed if you're going to try this at home. Don't tell anyone we told you it was fun...Well maybe just funny!


The Hess Family said...

Hey Terri...its Cami Hess. I used to work up at the hospital with you and I worked with Karli for a little bit. Anyways I love your temple pictures and would love to order some for Christmas. I was just wondering what the prices were for the different sizes and if there is any way you could have one done by the 12th of Dec.? Short notice I know...I am living in Cedar but I am coming up to Logan the weekend of the 12th and would love to get some from you. Let me know!

Terri James said...

Cami--email me and then I can get your phone number to call you . I should be able to get some done!