Thursday, November 11, 2010

Halloween Party!:)

So, here are pictures of our Halloween party! The theme was anyone from a movie... There were some pretty dang good costumes if I do say so myself.. Although i didn't get a good picture of Pauly Bleaker and Juno McGuff. DANG IT!!! Sorry Melissa and John! And now without further adieu....... 
Pee Wee Herman
The Mad Hatter and we will say that Katie is Tweedle Dee.. not Tweedle Dum:)
Like oh my gosh it's Cher from Clueless!!
I Fell into a burning ring of fire.. "Hi, I'm Johnny Cash" "Hi, I'm June Carter Cash" :)
UMMM..... Lord Justin Voldemort Bieber
Another UMMM.... Pinnochio's evil twin.... Freaky!

Justin Bieber Stopped by and posed for us... with Elisabeth Bennett

"He who shall not be named"
Glenda's The Good Witches:)
The Whole Crew.. Sorry again for not getting a good picture of Melissa and John, Hope you enjoyed our party pictures:)