Thursday, April 23, 2009

Old Fashioned Photos of the Logan Temple

So, I was feeling a little creative and I edited these photos.  I took them a little while ago when the lights on the Temple changed to show Ry.  I wanted to find an old fashioned font and totally found one for "free-99" (as our family likes to say).  I made the picture that only has the spires into a 20x30 and gave it to my Grandparents for their anniversary.  It was my first try, so hopefully I'll get better as I practice!


HibshManda said...

Wow, those look great!! I love that font you found. What a neat gift idea too!

Nat said...

Terri, it's Natalie Isom! I found your blog off of Alecia's. Hope you don't mind. You are one talented girl at photography! Are your pictures for sale? I have a special spot in my house for a picture of the temple--just need the right picture.

Oh, and I loved the Europe pictures. Looks like you had a blast. Bye!

Katie said...

I love this! That looks so cool in Grandma's house.