Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Temple Lights

These next few pictures were taken on January 14th.  The Temple looks really pretty, sorry that the pics are a bit blurry (night photos definitely aren't my specialty).  I think the change is for the better, but still a bit different.  Nicole and I went to take the pictures so that we could send one to Ryan.  We told him that the  lights looked different on Christmas when we talked to him.  He asked us to send a picture, see what a slacker that I am, it's taken about 3 weeks to get the picture and I'm sure another few weeks to get it printed.  Where does the time go?!

These pictures were taken in August when I took pictures of Ryan for his address cards, see what I mean by the light change?

For a little while, we couldn't figure out what had changed at the Temple.  But after a few days of the Temple spires not being lit up, we noticed a difference when they turned back on!  They now have a slightly Golden glow instead of the blue/green lights.... 


Anna Dutson said...

We noticed that the lights were different tonight on the way home from Grandma's. It's good to see we weren't crazy!

Jami said...

Hello, my friend Terri! I found your blog by some random coincidence. My mom works at BATC and told me about your blog. You have a relative that works there or something? I can't remember. Anyway, love the pictures of the temple. Makes me miss Logan. Are you still working at LRH?

ashley said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog and getting updated on all the james news. i loved the facke ryan pictures for thanksgiving. looks like ryan is enjoying his mission and has a great group of fans at home. he has the BEST sisters on the planet...thanks for letting me know about your blog..can i add you to my blog list so i can check it out again?????